
Fallout new vegas better animations
Fallout new vegas better animations

Because adjusting fNearDistance to 2 in Fallout.ini like asurah's suggestions will broke every interior LOD in the game. And you gotta be able to live with gun clipping on screen issue. So it should be in 'Mods with minor incompatibilities' instead.

fallout new vegas better animations

But then you wouldn't really use them anyway. 32 pistol animation is completely broken. and now finished Wasteland Survival Guide, found dad and discovered over 50 locations in FO3. But i believe 40 hours save in which i'm using the mod since Vault 101. Maybe it will get even more unstable after some period of time. And while the fix is very old (posted 21 august 2018, before 3.2 release) It's still working. I believe it's because i'm using unofficial Wuestenranger's patch in asurah's comment section. The save is over 40 hours long now and i never got any crash since i uninstalled NVSR. But somehow i manage to get it work without any issue.

Fallout new vegas better animations